If you are new to this blog, thanks for visiting. Please take a moment to read this post explaining the training diary format. I hope you find something enjoyable, interesting, challenging, and/or amusing in these pages. Dave :) Week Ending: 17th December 2017
MONDAY: Gym. Deadlift 115kg 4x3reps. Superset with Plyometrics. + Core circuit. TUESDAY: Run 1 hour. Nerang SF singletrack with Simon, Hunter and Brad. A really good pre-Christmas catch up. Simon and Hunter recently ran the GSER100 in Victoria and it sounds like an absolute brute of a race. WEDNESDAY: Ride 1 hour MTB with Harry. Not really a training effort but great to get out with the kids when I can. It won't be long before they are waiting for me to catch them. THURSDAY: Run 40 minutes. Improvised session on the driveway at home. 12 reps x 30 seconds uphill sprint. Did the session with Amanda and Harry and to keep things competitive we staggered the start times so we could race each other to the top. FRIDAY: Travelling SATURDAY: Travelling SUNDAY: Run 30 minutes. Shanghai. En-route to the UK for Christmas we elected to have a stop-over in Shanghai and rising early this morning I donned my running shoes and decided to check out a section of the city. I love exploring new places on foot as it gives you a sense of vulnerability and excitement that you don't get from a vehicle. Although I only ran about 6km along a busy suburban street, I enjoyed this run way more than I thought I would. It had everything you could hope for from an urban run in China: hazy smog filling the sky, stray dogs barking in the street, rickshaws loaded up with improbable loads wobbing along the road, electric scooters zipping through the traffic, street side stalls with strange smelling foods and steam rising from battered looking pots and pans. It would be impossible to plan a run like this, you can only have these experiences when you least expect them. Running through the streets of a new city is the best way to witness a slice of a new culture and gave me an unexpected and unforgettable run.
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